10 years, 8 months ago.

PWM pins in in ST Nucleo F103RB


what are the total number of PWM multiplexed pins in ST Nucleo F103RB? and what is the meaning of PWM3/1 PWM3/2, PWM 2/2 etc... why is PWM3/1 written in front of PA_6, PB_4 and PC_6?

can all the PWM pins be used at the same time?

please let me know if there are any other limitations.



thank you

1 Answer

10 years, 8 months ago.


You can find more informations here: http://mbed.org/teams/ST/wiki/pinout_labels


Accepted Answer

thank you, i wanted to know if 2 port pins(for eg.PA_6 and PB_4) are associated with same pwm( PWM3/1), can then be used separately with different duty cycle?

posted by Aalok Bhat 11 Jun 2014