10 years, 3 months ago.


Hi, I'm quite new to this embedded application, wish help from guy here.

I have try to compile this program with my LPC4088, unfortunately no luck. After do the update the library now still got this 2 error message that i don't have any idea to solve it.

1. Error: Undefined symbol mbed::Base::Base() (referred from fwk-if-eth-EthernetNetIf.cpp.o). 2. Error: Undefined symbol mbed::Timer::Timer(const char*) (referred from fwk-if-eth-EthernetNetIf.cpp.o).

Really appreciate if someone can advise on this matter.


Question relating to:

Modified version of ModbusTCP Modbus, TCP, TCPSocket

You have probably made a change to the 2 constructors Base::Base and Timer::Timer that are not reflected in either the class header or class cpp file. correct this and they should then compile correctly.


posted by David Fletcher 26 May 2014
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