10 years, 7 months ago.

"#error directive: "CMSIS Target not recognised"" in file "lib/mbed/cmsis.h"


how to make this program work on FRDM-KL25Z, I am quite new to this group.



Question relating to:

MLX90614 sensor is basically infrared tempararute sensor.It\'s works on I2c protocol AT, it\'s, perfectly, working

See my answer

posted by Martin Kojtal 20 May 2014

2 Answers

10 years, 7 months ago.


please update the mbed library. Click on mbed in your program, then select Revision from the toolbar and switch to the latest mbed revision (84). The program is anyway for LPC chips, modify the parameters for objects definitions.

sir even I am having this prob. I have done as u suggested and second solution was given to me that I have to update libraries. But the problem still persisted... help sir....

posted by abhishek padekar 31 Jan 2017
7 years, 5 months ago.

I had the same problem. So I updated the mbed library and the program has been working. Ich hatte das gleiche Problem. Also habe ich die mbed Bibliothek aktualisiert und das Programm funktioniert.

I still have this problem... I even uptaded the mbed library to the latest, but even after that, when compiling, the same error appears... Any suggestions?

posted by Juan Abril 24 Nov 2017