11 years, 8 months ago.

RPC Control


I've been working on a project involving an Mbed board along with the "Hello world over Ethernet" program and the RPC control website. I was making good progress last week until I tried to log into the RPC control site late on Friday night but when I clicked on the link for the RPC control page (http://tools.mbed.org/iot/rpc) the website could not be found. I just received the HTTP 404 error. I've repeatedly checked the link over the weekend but I can't get access. The strange part is that I was working on the site up until roughly 10pm on Friday night and there was no issue but when I tried to log in around 11pm the same night that's when the trouble began.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue?


1 Answer

11 years, 8 months ago.

I can't see it either. There is a cached copy from 26th October but that's not much use.

Accepted Answer