10 years, 11 months ago.

How To Use Most Recent Version Of mbed Library

How do I tell the compiler to always use the latest mbed library?

In mbed_blinky the .bld file seems to do that by not calling out a specific version, but I could not find a way to edit my .bld file.

1 Answer

10 years, 11 months ago.

Hello Cpu Talk,

there's revision button on the top tab in the online compiler. Select the mbed library, click on the revision and check if the mbed lib is using the latest revision.

In revision, you can select which version your application will use.


Hi, please excuse my unclear question. What I would really like to know is how tell the compiler to always use the latest build of the compiler, WITHOUT HAVING TO CHECK EVERY TIME. For example, take look at mbed_blinky. It always pulls in the most recent library. That is what I want.

posted by Cpu Talk 10 Apr 2014

Check the history , that example was updated. There's no option to make it use the latest library. mbed using the revision control system, so updating a library would require also store that change in the revision system. Another point to make, by updating the latest without testing can break the current version.

posted by Martin Kojtal 10 Apr 2014

Martin, are you 100% sure? For instance, in this program

Import programmbed_blinky

The example program for mbed pin-compatible platforms

comparing revision 5 of mbed.bld with revision 5+, I see the following:

file mbed.bld - Revision 5 vs Revision 5+ : Always import the latest mbed SDK build

http://world3.dev.mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed/builds/    (NEW)
http://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed/builds/6473597d706e   (OLD)

I totally agree with you that there is a chance for code that always imports the latest library to break, but in this case it's probably a reasonable trade-off because it's critically important for first-timers to have a smooth out-of-the-box experience of mbed.

I believe that's exactly why mbed_blinky always imports the latest build, which of course should compile with all the known platforms.

P.S. I reserve the right to be wrong :)

posted by Cpu Talk 11 Apr 2014

I have also seen that in the revision history, but not a clue if a regular user can do it.

By the way: you can also just click on the relevant library, and at the right side there is an update button if there is a new revision, you only need to go to the revision page if you want to select which one to use.

posted by Erik - 11 Apr 2014