10 years, 10 months ago.

DSP on 11u24

Hey guys , I was just thinking if one could use 11u24 to implement simple DSP functions efficiently . I want to use add,subtract,divide and possibly some statistical dsp such as average etc .

1 Answer

10 years, 10 months ago.


The easy answer is yes! Other answers would depend on your project.


Well , I need my NXP LPC 11U24 to collect a sensors output and then compare it with a specific other input , and then using DSP i want to manipulate my data . The problem is , I also use my core for signal generation which seems to absorb a lot of performance . I ve also tried multi threading without much success .

posted by Antreas Antoniou 18 Jan 2014

In the first instance take a good look at your program paths and try and remove any wait states as these are just wasting cpu clock cycles, try and run repetitive calls via a ticker, you really need to know how long they take, if you have access to a scope use it. If you are happy manipulating registers, that can speed up things as well.

Edit: If you are using a lot of debug statements ie printf remove as many as you can as these take a lot of clock ticks!


posted by David Fletcher 18 Jan 2014