11 years ago.

Need help porting CC3000 to LPC4337

I am trying to port the CC3000 wifi module to LPC4337 using Xplorer board,

After reading the header

Reading 10 bytes Read: 129 Read: 0 Read: 127 Read: 128 Read: 0 Read: 0 Read: 0 Read: 0 Read: 0 Read: 0 SpiReadDataCont Type:0

The question is where did I make the mistake(s). Does anybody has some experience with LPC43xx and CC3000, or a simple example in LPC43xx?

I attached the SPI.c in case if somebody would like to have a look. /media/uploads/robu/spi.c

Thanks. Regards, Robu

Robert, Sorry I can't help at the moment, too many other things to do! You have beaten me to doing a port for my LPC4357. The only comments I can make is make sure you are using the correct spi mode, and you have the interrupt and ISR working correctly. You just need to keep at it, running as much debug as you can. Keep posting and I will try and keep an eye on what you are doing.


posted by David Fletcher 11 Dec 2013

Robert, One more thing. It would be much easier to first write an spi driver and test it on something other than the CC3000, so that you are confident that it works. Otherwise you may well lose a lot of sleep trying to put bits into the CC3000 drive and finding they don't work.


posted by David Fletcher 11 Dec 2013

Accidentally I added an answer instead of comment, how can I delete that?

posted by Ungu Ran 11 Dec 2013

just to be on the same line , this is not related to mbed , neither to cc3000 host driver shared on mbed ?

posted by Martin Kojtal 12 Dec 2013

Martin, Correct! Robert appears to be porting C code to his LPC4337, not mbed related. If Micromint get their board across to mbed, then it might be related.


posted by David Fletcher 12 Dec 2013

Hi Dave, I just made an earlier port, I achieved a connection to my router, unfortunately I couldn't get the DMA work, but I will keep trying. The other problem was the DEBUGOUT function, when I used in the code sometimes I got HardFault. I am using FREERTOS, should I use semaphores to avoid such a problem?

Regards, Robert

posted by Ungu Ran 18 Dec 2013

Robert, Using an OS is not going to be easy. I don't know of anyone who has gone that yet! Due to the original TI C code using blocking methods, you would need to change that to polling. You will need to take special care with the CC3000 interrupt. Using semaphores would be one way.


posted by David Fletcher 19 Dec 2013

1 Answer

Ungu Ran
11 years ago.


Thanks for your reply.

I ordered a temperature sensore which supports SPI. As I received it I will test the SPI driver.

Regards Robu