10 years, 8 months ago.

C027 kits - wondering which one to buy

I am looking at different C027 kits and wondering which one to buy. My questions are:

1) The one with CDMA module will bound me to US only. I cannot do a demo outside US? is that correct?

2) I am looking at - C027-G35 mbed enabled IoT starter kit with SARA-G350 (GSM/GPRS). Does it comes with SIM card slot?

3) with #2 what MVNO's can I use for Demo purposes?

regards, Pratul

Question relating to:

The u-blox-C027 is a complete starter kit that allows quick prototyping of a variety of applications for the Internet of Things. The application board has a MAX-M8Q GPS/GNSS receiver and …

The C027-U20 is the true global version. The C027-C20 will only work in US. The C027-G35 is GSM only and has no USB interace. So you need to use AT command on the regular serial port to interface with the modem.

posted by Michael Ammann 06 Nov 2013

The SIM card is on the back. Almost every SIM should be ok with the GSM or 3G version.

posted by Michael Ammann 06 Nov 2013

1 Answer

10 years, 8 months ago.

Thanks Michael, I am looking at the options available under C025-U20. There are three of them - M2M. PC/USB and Telematics. The application I am working on requires real time GPS location transfer to a server. I want to know which option should I choose. I believe Telematics is the right one.

regards, Pratul

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