11 years, 5 months ago.

control mbed via web (php)

im planning to control the on-board LED of mbed through web (php), what are the necessary tools, libraries i need to study for this to work?

thanks :)

3 Answers

11 years, 5 months ago.

I've updated API for PHP because it was old. Please download version 0.1.1a from here. http://sourceforge.jp/projects/mimic/releases/?package_id=12747

There is a sample to control the LED at demo/MbedM3/sw_mbedm3.php.

kilo byte
11 years, 5 months ago.

hi Ryo,

thanks for the update, but can you kindly translate the "how to use" part of your readme into english? im getting this.

 1. PHPサーバに、このディレクトリを含む全てのファイルをコピーします。
 2. demo/LPCXpresso1769か、MbedM3にある、sw_xxxx.php(LEDのON/OFFデモ)
 3. ボタンを操作して、ボードのLEDをコントロールできれば、インストールは成功です。
 4. 他の機能については、demo/test.phpを参考にしてください。

  • Copy all php files to a directory in your PHP server.
  • Open demo/MbedM3/sw_mbedm3.php by Browser. Input your mbed's IP address to input form.
  • Push button 1 or 0. It will control LED. If it is good you got installation.
  • For other functions, check demo/test.php.
posted by Ryo Iizuka 22 Jul 2013