11 years ago.

control mbed via web (php)

im planning to control the on-board LED of mbed through web (php), what are the necessary tools, libraries i need to study for this to work?

thanks :)

3 Answers

10 years, 12 months ago.

Basic info is available at:

Perhaps this is what you are looking for : http://mbed.org/users/nyatla/code/MiMicRemoteMCU-for-Mbed/

Accepted Answer
10 years, 12 months ago.

I've updated API for PHP because it was old. Please download version 0.1.1a from here. http://sourceforge.jp/projects/mimic/releases/?package_id=12747

There is a sample to control the LED at demo/MbedM3/sw_mbedm3.php.

kilo byte
10 years, 12 months ago.

hi Ryo,

thanks for the update, but can you kindly translate the "how to use" part of your readme into english? im getting this.

 1. PHPサーバに、このディレクトリを含む全てのファイルをコピーします。
 2. demo/LPCXpresso1769か、MbedM3にある、sw_xxxx.php(LEDのON/OFFデモ)
 3. ボタンを操作して、ボードのLEDをコントロールできれば、インストールは成功です。
 4. 他の機能については、demo/test.phpを参考にしてください。

  • Copy all php files to a directory in your PHP server.
  • Open demo/MbedM3/sw_mbedm3.php by Browser. Input your mbed's IP address to input form.
  • Push button 1 or 0. It will control LED. If it is good you got installation.
  • For other functions, check demo/test.php.
posted by Ryo Iizuka 22 Jul 2013