
Pelion Device Managementの使い方を紹介します。 device, Japanese, Management, Pelion
This document is a guide on how to start blinking and check serial messages for Embedded Planet's Agora Development Kit users.
use Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board on mbed-os5 arduino, BLE, Mbed Studio, nRF52840
2020年2月8日に開催された「mbed祭り 2020@春の新横浜」のレポートです。 event, Japanese, mbed-fest
MP3 control via UART communication line DFR0534, mp3, UART
A brief survey of some common user output options for small embedded devices Haptic, LCD, led, printer, speaker, Vibration motor
Play audio samples from a C array stored in flash. Values are from an audio *.wav file that was automatically converted to a C array data source file. array, audio, file, flash, I2S, MAX98357, mixing audio, play, sound, speaker, wav, WavePlayer
Frequency counter using GPS 1PPS with mbed board F411, F446, F746, Nucleo