Bluetooth Low Energy (a.k.a Bluetooth LE, BTLE, Bluetooth Smart)

Drag and Drop Over the air uploading using a browser, demo.

05 Mar 2015


I'd quite like to demonstrate something that is still in development which I've been working on.

It's an app that allows you to upload mbed applications to our BlueBrain (a nRF51822 based device) over the air by just dragging your binary from the downloads folder to a web browser window containing a upload page served up by the app over wifi.

Please have a look here to see a 1 minute video of it in action.

All the best Wayne

05 Mar 2015

Hi Wayne, this is awesome! Are you using the 'original' nordic DFU mechanism or the newer 'safe' one?

05 Mar 2015

Hi Jonny,

It's using the 'old' one by default at the mo. But under the hood the app has the code for the newer 'safe' method, so would just need to add a bit more code/UI. In time it also needs to be secured.

All the best Wayne