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I saw few potential fixes / optim. As they can be irrelevant and, in all cases, are too minors for a merge request, I start this topic.
When using SPI layer compiled with GCC, I get this error :
[..] /mbed/targets/hal/TARGET_Silicon_Labs/TARGET_EFM32/spi_api.c:207: undefined reference to `spi_get_clock_tree' I don't really know why but it seems that it comes from the "inline". The problem is solved by setting this function as "static inline" or no inline at all and let GCC Optimize fonction do its job.
In order to facilitate test of new targets based on gecko family, an " #ifdef EFM_BC_EN " around gpio init in hal/TARGET_Silicon_Labs/TARGET_EFM32/mbed_overrides.c is necessary. (All other emlib / cmsis / hal files can be used without any modification)
Why not updating it to 4.0.0 ?