mbed Development team

proposed API for GPSProvider

31 Oct 2014


Here's a proposal for an API for GPS providers. Please comment.

/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2014 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef __GPS_PROVIDER_H__
#define __GPS_PROVIDER_H__

class GPSProviderImplBase; /* forward declaration */
extern GPSProviderImplBase *createGPSProviderInstance(void);

// Here's a snippet showing how this API can be used. The handler gets invoked
// from thread context--i.e. from the main application.
//      void handleGPSData(const LocationUpdateParams_t *newLocation) {
//          ...
//      }
//      GPSProvider gps;
//      gps.setPowerMode(LOW_POWER);
//      gps.onLocationUpdate(handleGPSData);
//      gps.reset();
//      gps.start();
//      while (true) {
//          /* purely optional */
//          static bool printedDeviceInfo = false;
//          if (!printedDeviceInfo && gps.haveDeviceInfo()) {
//              printf("%s", gps.getDeviceInfo());
//              printedDeviceInfo = true;
//          }
//          /* Main message processing activity; location callbacks are called
//           * as a result of message processing. */
//          gps.process();
//          /* sleep(); */
//          if (/* at some point in the future */) {
//              break;
//          }
//      }
//      gps.stop();

class GPSProvider {
    /** Power mode selection */
    enum PowerMode_t {
         POWER_FULL, /**< full-power mode typically results in high-accuracy location data updated at 1Hz. */
         POWER_LOW,  /**< low-power mode involves longer periods of hibernation in between location updates. */

     * GPS time starts from UTC 01/06/1980(MM/DD/YYYY) and includes 2 fields:
     * week and tow. For a given GPS time, week is the passed week number since
     * the GPS start time, and tow(time of week) is the passed seconds since the
     * last Sunday. For example, a given UTC time [10/30/3014
     * 01:10:00](MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS) can be converted into GPS time [1816,
     * 4200](week, seconds).
     * GPS time can be used as a quite accurate time once position is fixed.
    struct GPSTime_t {
        uint16_t gps_week;
        uint32_t tow;       /* time of week (in seconds) */

    typedef float LocationType_t;
    typedef float Altitude_t;
    struct LocationUpdateParams_t {
        uint32_t       version; /* Layout-version for the following structure;
                                 * this is to accommodate changes over time. */
        bool           valid;   /* Does this update contain a valid location. */
        LocationType_t lat;
        LocationType_t lon;
        Altitude_t     altitude;

        unsigned       numGPSSVs; /* num GPS Satellites */
        unsigned       numGLOSVs; /* num GLONASS Satellites */

        union {
            GPSTime_t gpsTime;
            float     utcTime;
        } u;

     * Set the operating mode for power. Typically this allows the user to
     * choose between various low-power modes. Entering low-power modes often
     * results in a trade-off between accuracy and power consumption.
     * The new mode takes effect upon calling start().
     * @param power The new power mode.
     * @return      true if the update was successful.
    bool setPowerMode(PowerMode_t power);

     * HW reset to get location chip into hibernation mode, but in readiness for
     * starting operation. The GPS controller emerges from hibernation when
     * start() is called.
     * The typical initialization sequence is:
     *   reset();
     *   start(); // and thereafter receive location-update callbacks.
    void reset(void);

     * Start the GPS operation, taking into account the operation mode set
     * previously. Following this call, the user may expect to receive location
     * notifications in interrupt context if a handler has previously been set.
     * @note: calling start repeatedly doesn't hurt.
    void start(void);

     * Stop active operation of the GPS; and put it to hibernation.
     * @note: You don't need to call reset() afterwards to enter hibernation.
     * @note: Calling stop() repeatedly doesn't hurt.
    void stop(void);

     * Process location data from chip and update location and satellite
     * information. This API is supposed to be called repeatedly from the
     * application in thread mode to process incoming messages as they are
     * received from the GPS controller. Arriving data is first appended to
     * something like a circular buffer by interrupts, and then parsed as
     * messages in thread mode.
     * The application typically enters a loop calling process() after
     * initializing the GPS controller with start(). process() returns
     * immediately if there is no work to be done, but it must get invoked
     * frequently in order to keep pace with arriving data.
     * Mbed's sleep() may be usefully thrown into the application's process()
     * loop to save power--sleep() has the effect of putting the processor to
     * sleep while waiting for an event (such as an interrupt). As always, some
     * care must be taken in employing sleep(), because there is a small
     * synchronization window where an interrupt may arrive and pend data which
     * doesn't get processed (as illustrated below).
     *  while (true) {
     *      process();
     *        <--  interrupt arrives now and appends new data
     *      sleep(); // but then we go to sleep without processing it.
     *  }
     * There is a way around it: if sleep() boils down to the use of ARM's WFE
     * instruction (as opposed to WFI), then its safe from the above-mentioned
     * synchronization window.
    void process(void);

     * @return  true if the initialization process has received enough
     *     information to determine the hardware's version/device-info.
    bool haveDeviceInfo(void) const;

     * Fetch the device information string. This is expected to contain the
     * version number or any other device identifier.
    const char *getDeviceInfo(void) const;

     * This is a wildcard API for sending controller specific commands. Use of
     * this API will make programs non-portable, but then there may arise a
     * genuine need to access special functionality.
     * @param  command   A controller specific command.
     * @param  arg       Argument to the command; interpreted according to the command.
     * @return           any return from the command.
    uint32_t ioctl(uint32_t command, void *arg);

     * @return  true if we've obtained at least one valid location since last
     *     calling start().
     * @Note: This is cleared after reset().
    bool locationAvailable(void) const;

     * @return  the last valid location if there is any; else NULL.
    const LocationUpdateParams_t *getLastLocation(void) const;

     * Type declaration for a callback to be invoked from interrupt context upon
     * receiving new location data.
     * @Note: Please note that the handler gets invoked from interrupt context.
     * Users *should not* do any long running or blocking operations in the
     * handler.
    typedef void (* LocationUpdateCallback_t)(const LocationUpdateParams_t *params);

     * Setup the locationUpdate callback.
     * @Note: Please note that the handler gets invoked from interrupt context.
     * Users *should not* do any long running or blocking operations in the
     * handler.
    void onLocationUpdate(LocationUpdateCallback_t callback);

     * In low-power operation, the GPS controller may be expected to hibernate
     * for extended periods and location updates may be infrequent. It should
     * then be possible for an application to demand location data when needed.
     * This calls results in a locationCallback if there is a useful location to
     * report.
    void lpmGetImmediateLocation(void);

     * Default constructor.
    GPSProvider() : impl(createGPSProviderInstance()) {
        /* empty */

    virtual ~GPSProvider() {

     * We use 'composition' to combine a driver-implementation object to the
     * GPSProvider interface. The implementation object will come to life
     * through the createGPSProviderInstance(), which must be defined by the
     * driver library. The mechanics of the implementation are to be hidden
     * behind the abstract interface provided by GPSProvider.
    GPSProviderImplBase *const impl;

    /* disallow copy constructor and assignment operators */
    GPSProvider(const GPSProvider&);
    GPSProvider & operator= (const GPSProvider&);

#endif /*__GPS_PROVIDER_H__*/
23 Oct 2014

First of all: I am really glad you guys first pass this by the community. I think there was also a short lived attempt to do this for motion sensors, which never took off.

The ability to link it to a member function might be nice. Especially since with such a class you can have a lib which can interface with a wide range of GPS modules. I guess FunctionPointer could be used, but then you can't have the location data in the arguments of the called function, although you could still let the user manually call getLastLocation. Obviously it should also be possible to have it linked to member functions with this type of callback.

23 Oct 2014

Hi Erik,

We've been wondering about making a template class out of FunctionPointer (to be able to receive parameters). Thanks for pointing it out.

24 Oct 2014

Hi Rohit,

This is a good provider architect.

Here is my comments:

- Below the provide lay is the location driver, such as CsrLocation class? Shall We imlement the provider interface based on the location driver class? Does the archtect picture look like as below?


Location application

Gps Provider

Location Driver class(such as CsrLocation)

- Usually the GPS chip will enter hibernation mode after stop function is called. Does it still need to call reset?

24 Oct 2014

Hi Jie,

The GPSProvider abstraction was designed based on input from your CSRLocation. Thanks so much for your effort on that.

We can use 'composition' to combine a CSRLocation object to implement the GPSProvider interface. I'm hoping to create a GPSProviderInstanceBase class, and CSRLocation can then extend and implement this base. There will be a pointer to the GPSProviderInstanceBase as a private member of GPSProvider; and most APIs will forward responsibility within GPSProviderInstanceBase.

I like your suggestion that GPSProvider should enter hibernation automatically after stop(); no need to explicityly call reset(). Thanks.

Please find my updates reflected in the code above.

24 Oct 2014

@Jie: Could you please provide an explanation for the following:

     struct GPSTime_t {
        uint16_t gps_week;
        uint32_t tow;       /* time of week (in seconds) */

In general I'm not clear how to generalize time and location. Could you please share your rationale?


30 Oct 2014

Hi Rohit,

GPS time starts from UTC 01/06/1980(MM/DD/YYYY) and includes 2 fields: week and tow. For a given GPS time, week is the passed week number since the GPS start time, and tow(time of week) is the passed seconds since the last Sunday. For example, a given UTC time [10/30/3014 01:10:00](MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS) can be converted into GPS time [1816, 4200](week, seconds).

GPS time can be used as a quite accurate time once position is fixed.

GPS location usually includes longitude, latitude, altitude. We can show the point on the map with these coordinates information.

In my demo application, time will be outputted in UTC format with NMEA protocol and in GPS time format with OSP protocol. So I use a union for the time field. I think we can add some comments in case of some confusions to users.
