The MultiConnect® Dragonfly Nano offers developers an FCC and carrier certified solution that makes connecting sensors and other edge-of-network devices quick and easy.

Anyone noticed that mbed Studio does not properly recognize the Dragonfly Nano?

06 Aug 2019

Instead of "0312...." it should be getting it is instead getting DEVICE_ID "0310..."

Dragonfly Nano: MTS_DRAGONFLY_L471QG "0312..." Dragonfly: MTS_DRAGONFLY_F411RE "0310..."

I would think any mbed tool will exhibit this same issue.

08 Aug 2019

The solution: If running a Dragonfly Nano you must update the platform (USDK2) with the appropriate DEVICE_ID. Download & Install the following:

Then run ‘st-LinkUpgrade.exe -force_prog -board -0312’ to program the interface chip on the UDK2 as MTS_DRAGONFLY_L471QG