How to store values on F401RE Nucleo?

22 Oct 2014

Hi guys,

I've read that the nucleo has a relatively big flash memory and a SRAM. I want to store a few bytes of data that persist a (soft) reset.

How can I realise this? I've searched for hours but I neither could find a flash library nor a documented example how to write something into the SRAM.

BTW: Is a storage in SRAM possible or will it be flushed if the board is reseted?

Can you help me please?

Thanks! Richard

23 Oct 2014

The F401RE has 80 bytes of RTC backup registers.

23 Oct 2014

The SRAM is the normal memory where variables recide when the program runs, and it is indeed flushed on a power cycle.

14 Feb 2015

Current F401RE (and Nucleo series) mbed library makes reset action to back-up register every power up sequence.
I hope you can use my sample program for the solution.