LED Program Testing

15 Feb 2010

Hello Guys :)

My name is Antonio, I am connecting a radar device on mbed.

so I m running this code

AnalogIn DE(p20);
DigitalOut Sir(p5);
float value = 0;

int main()
{wait  (2);
    value = DE * 1;
    if(value > 0.19)
            Sir = 1;
            wait (0.25);
            Sir = 0;

I noticed that with Value of "value<=0.19"  without any analog input ,give me all ways the digital output "Sir=High" is it a normal problem of mbed???

Also connecting a radar I generate a doppler effect frequecy from 4Hz to 4kHz, with a changing of it in few mSec. Is the mbed so powerfull to detect this signal in??

