Undefined symbol __fread_bytes_avail trying to compile MPU6050 libs

25 Jun 2014

Hi all,

I'm trying to compile the MPU6050 libs for the STM32F103RB target, and I'm getting some odd compile messages. I haven't really fleshed out the code to start the sensor and obtain data, but I did make the code public here: http://mbed.org/users/chris1seto/code/MPU6050-DMP2/

As it is, there should not be any syntax errors and it *should* compile, but fails with these messages.

Here are the messages:

Error: Undefined symbol __fread_bytes_avail (referred from ios.o)
Error: Undefined symbol mbsinit (referred from ios.o)
Error: Undefined symbol wmemmove (referred from ios.o)

Anybody have any idea what's going on here?

10 Jul 2014


I solved this issue by removing this line : #include <iostream>

Look at MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h line 36

14 Jul 2014

Why do these errors occur, though? I want to use iostream but I can´t without getting these exact same errors.