I am using the RTOS library for servo movement (servo's need to move simultaneous to other actions).
I have the main thread, a thread running sensor updates and calculations, and a third constantly updating servo positions based on any servo movement.
My problem is that the following thread will only get initialized 4 times before it stops. After that it will not get hung up on thread creation, but the thread will not start. I found that the thread max is 7, so I am wondering if that is the issue? Do threads not automatically end once they reach completion? And if they don't how can I delete on completion?
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "rtos.h"
#include "threading.h"
#include "mbed.h"
#include "DCM_AHRS/minimu9.h"
#include "constants.h"
void increment( void const *args ) { //float *joint, float inc, float target, int speed )
move_args* moveArgs = (move_args*)( args );
float *joint = moveArgs->joint;
float *angle = moveArgs->angle;
float inc = moveArgs->inc;
float target = moveArgs->target;
int speed = moveArgs->speed;
float start = *joint;
// Move to a certain position
if ( NULL == angle ) {
int num_reps = int ( ( abs( *joint - target ) / inc ) + 0.5 );
for ( int i = 0; i < num_reps; *joint+=inc, i+=1 ) {
Thread::wait( ( 0.1 / speed ) * 1000 );
// Move to a certain angle
else {
Thread::wait( ( 0.1 / speed ) * 1000 );
if ( *angle < target ) {
for ( *joint = start; *angle < target; *joint+=inc ) {
Thread::wait( ( 0.1 / speed ) * 1000 );
} else {
for ( *joint = start; *angle > target; *joint+=inc ) {
Thread::wait( ( 0.1 / speed ) * 1000 );
delete moveArgs;
void thread_inc_ang( float *joint, float inc, float target, int speed, float *angle ) {
move_args* moveArgs = new move_args;
moveArgs->joint = joint;
moveArgs->inc = inc;
moveArgs->angle = angle;
moveArgs->target = target;
moveArgs->speed = speed;
Thread move( increment, moveArgs );
move.terminate(); // Will not work, terminates before it actually starts
I make thread_inc_ang return a pointer to the <<code>>Thread move<</code>>
in which the process it returns to eventually calls move->terminate, then delete move, to no effect. I still run into the same problem where it is not initializing any threads after the first 4 times it calls this.
I am using the RTOS library for servo movement (servo's need to move simultaneous to other actions). I have the main thread, a thread running sensor updates and calculations, and a third constantly updating servo positions based on any servo movement. My problem is that the following thread will only get initialized 4 times before it stops. After that it will not get hung up on thread creation, but the thread will not start. I found that the thread max is 7, so I am wondering if that is the issue? Do threads not automatically end once they reach completion? And if they don't how can I delete on completion?
I make thread_inc_ang return a pointer to the
<<code>>Thread move<</code>>
in which the process it returns to eventually calls move->terminate, then delete move, to no effect. I still run into the same problem where it is not initializing any threads after the first 4 times it calls this.