Will static kill an mbed ? and other questions...

02 Dec 2009

Was waving my mbed around the other day showing someone,..

said "its all done by this little chip" and tapped the LPC chip.

When I was a lad we were always told not to go near any silicon chip without an earthed wristband. (I kid you not). Anyway.. it scared me for 5 minutes, I know it won't be advisable to tap it.. but just how resilient is it.. are there any components that are really sensitive.


I use my mbed for many little experiments.. and the wires get changed around quite a bit. The thing is you have to connect it and power it up in order to download your latest program. So.. one minute its running an SpiThermometer, the next reading/writing to a data card, the next flashing an LED array. I'm always aware that as soon as I connect it, I'm running the previous program.. the one its NOT wired up for.

Then I download and press reset and now its running the program its been wired up for. I almost want to install a "clean", flash LED1 binary every time I change applications, before I start wiring it up.

Do you think there is any conceivable way I could damage it when it runs the "old" binary ? say by it starting to run a binary where it considers a pin to output, when infact its wired as an input at the time.

just asking incase I should start being more careful about the "installed" binary.


09 Dec 2009

You could set up a button between a pin and vcc, and wait for it to go high before starting all your programs?