You can change the values of the PLL and other dividers as long as you stay within the limits given in the datasheet.
F_clkin must be in the range of 10 MHz to 25 MHz
F_CCO must be in the range of 156 MHz to 320 MHz
However, your conclusion above is not correct. The default setting is to select the internal RC oscillator (instead of the external crystal). The IRC is running at (approximately) 12 MHz. The PLL will increase that to F_CCO = 12 * M * 2P = 240 MHz. The FCLKOUT = F_CCO / 2P = 60MHz.
SYSPLLCTRL_Val = 0x00000024, which means that MSEL=4 and P=2
M = MSEL+1 = 4 + 1 = 5
2P = 2*2 = 4
SYSAHBCLKDIV_Val = 0x00000002, which means that
the 60MHz FCLKOUT is divided by 2 and defines the SystemCoreClock at 30 MHz.
Search system clock setup of LPCXpresso Board LPC824, my conclusion it is 10 MHz. (12 MHz x 5) / 3 = 20 20 / 2 = 10 MHz
My question: May I change this clock value without block board ?