manipulating data on PC

05 Aug 2011

hi all,

i have a problem where i tried to solve but it seems a bit difficult ... i'm a c++ programmer and i think i'm new to imbedded systems programming ... i'm working on a project where i need the data being processed by the mbed to be sent to my personal computer, where there is a c++ program (or whatever language, not necessarily c++) that recives the date and manipulaltes it in a certain manner and then do some action on my computer (such as making some plots or whatever) ... do anyone have any idea how something like that can be done???

thank you in advance.

best regards, hassan ali.

05 Aug 2011


ONE way to do it is to use RPC.

it's a way you can expose values inside your mbed via a serial link. You can then talk to the mbed from your program running on your PC.

I'm on an iPhone right now, so it's hard for me to be mote specific, but see if you can find RPC in the cookbook. (or examples on the site)

It's a VERY powerful way of exposing your mbed to the outside world.