Digital Signal Processing - new Cookbook category

15 Mar 2011

I've added Digital Signal Processing as a new category to the Cookbook front page. I posted the first topic under this category, which is a tutorial on hooking up the QuickFilter QF1D152 FIR coprocessor, and of course comments are welcome!

With the coming new CMSIS DSP library, I expect there will be many more DSP projects to come!


16 Mar 2011

Hi Tom,

very nice! I've been thinking about starting a DSP project and this looks like it may be the one. I hadn't realised that people made these sort of things and had been waiting on LPC4300 to come out. One of my first applications I was going to look at was crossovers for active speakers and this might get me started.

If anyone wants me to add any of these to a DigiKey order, I'm going to be placing one this weekend. If you let me know by Friday evening what you want I'll add it.
