Post your tips for noobs here! Everything you wish you knew when you started mbed.

08 Nov 2018

I'll start the discussion off with a few things that I have wasted more time on than I care to admit.

  1. When you start a new program from a template in mbed online compiler , look carefully at the name. [mbed 5] is the current version of the OS not [mbed 2].
  2. If you have the wrong version of mbed in your program (OS2 instead of OS5). Delete the mbed library and import from this url: (you can also find that by opening a new [mbed 5] project, clicking on the mbed library and looking at the right side bar "Summary" window which has a link you can click on to get the URL. [and vice-versa to switch from 5 to 2].
  3. If you have a new board and you try to drag and drop something to it and it doesn't actually update the program, you need to update the firmware. ST boards need ST Link firmware update. . You can also use the official DAP link SW. Click on this link and enter the name of your board to get the files and detailed instructions. When in doubt, update the firmware!
  4. Line debugging in Eclipse is worth the trouble setting up. Make sure you install mbed CLI first, or at least Mercurial. Otherwise the Mercurial links don't work.
  5. The DipDap programmer is awesome. You can turn any old EV kit or custom board into an mbed board! and the other one
  6. Wonder where all the official examples are? Don't search the online compiler libraries for the official example code from mbed. Go to this link:
  7. The RTOS is awesome. Don't be afraid to use it to control interleaved threads of asynchronous stuff. It isn't as hard or complicated as you would think. Anybody can write multiple threaded applications. It will save you a TON of time versus trying to time stuff yourself and work around having multiple threads.
  8. In these posts and questions, click the little link below for the "Editing tips". (I finally figured out the a double dash is for strikethrough text. My posts looked really schizophrenic like I was arguing with myself about what to say. And now my links are hyperlinked and my bullet points are numbered.)
15 Nov 2018

Hi Dan,

Those tips look awesome! To start a new stuff is always struggling, if we keep sharing our experiences and help improving it, that will become easier for any new starter.

I would like to share a tip for asking questions.

Asking questions in a good way helps other people understanding your question correctly and clearly. Whenever asking a question, describe below things:

  • Version of Mbed-OS
  • Which board you are using
  • The instructions of reproducing question, including build environment and json configuration
  • Schematic or photo there is additional components connected
  • Source code if possible (Please see "Editing tips" like Dan said, there is a way to display code lines here)

- Desmond, team Mbed