I2C nucleo F401RE

18 Jul 2018

Hello everybody, I recently began to use the ST Nucleo F401RE from STMicroelectronics. My goal is to use it with Matlab-Simulink to communicate with a pressure sensor (sdp611, data sheet attached) via I2C. I install the Hardwares Support Packages and begun with the "getting started" examples. There is an example making me believe that I'm doing something wrong. The example is: Read Temperature from I2c based Sensor using STMicroelectronics Nucleo Boards. Link:https://de.mathworks.com/help/supportpkg/nucleo/examples/read-temperature-from-an-i2c-based-sensor-using-stmicroelectronics-nucleo-board.html I just connected my microcontroller to the PC and ran the model in external mode (no sensor was connected with the micro-controller) and was able to get some temperature value!!! Furthermore, I tried to connect my sensor with the micro-controller(pin D15->SCL, D14->SDA using 10k pull up resistors). My sensor is not even influencing the value of the Master read block. My questions are: is there any method to make sure my sensor have been detected (like verifying its adress)? By using the Block "master read block" should the user first use the "master write block", to make possible the read operation? Are every sequence (start and stop sequence) already implemented in those blocks? Any advice or support will be welcome.
