STM32F429I DISCO LCD rotate

06 Feb 2016

I am using the DISCO-F429ZI_LCDTS_demo with my STM32F429I platform and it works fine except I want to rotate the display to a "landscape" orientation. There is no init function to do this in the project, at least not one I could find.

I tried manipulating ili9341.c but it didn't do anything I could see.



  ili9341_WriteData(0x20); // was (0xC8)
/* Colomn address set */
  ili9341_WriteData(0x01); // was (0x00)
  ili9341_WriteData(0x3F); // was (0xEF)
  /* Page address set */
  ili9341_WriteData(0x00); // was (0x01)
  ili9341_WriteData(0xEF); // was (0x06)

Does anyone know what steps are needed to rotate the screen 90 deg? (besides turning the board 90 deg)

06 Feb 2016

When using the ST-LINK_CLI the device wasn't loading the binary, now that I figured that out... I rotated the display 90 degree and the characters are displaying correctly but I have a section of the screen or the right side that is blank.

Any info on how to set the screen size?

FWIW this demo sucks and is overly complicated without enough documentation

08 Feb 2016

I gave up on this demo. The poorly documented API was a waste of time. No indication of how to manipulate the rotation of the LCD on the STM32F429I-DISCO. I was mucking around in the ILI3941 driver in the common code section but I found myself questioning why I had to go through so much trouble when the HAL was supposed to make everything so seamless and easy.

29 Oct 2016

i agree with these comments. unable to rotate or flip to get a sensible viewing angle/orientation, really limits its usefulness. not a great example or library to start off with. not being able to pick up a disco board with mbed and smash something together with a reasonable level of control over the hw kind of defeats the point of it. Going to have to backtrack out of mbed altogether unless i can find a way to drive the lcd adequately.