USB Serial problem

24 Sep 2009

I'm PC + XP. When I try to install the WinSerial app I get a message: Unable to initialise setup task.



24 Sep 2009

Hi Paul,

The most likely cause of this is that you dont have administrator rights on your XP machine. Can you try logging in as administrator and trying again.

If that doesnt fix the problem, please get back to us.


16 Jul 2010

I'm unable to install and run the serial port driver for the mbed on Windows 7. I have downloaded the following file:


When I run it as administrator I get "Unable to initialise setup task." in a dialog window.

I can install it OK on the windows XP vitual machine on the same hardware but I cant virtualize the COM port to windows 7 unless I have a driver for windows 7.

Anyone have a solution?

Thanks in advance


15 Dec 2010

Hi Everyone,

I had the same issue on a Vista PC.  I solved it by unplugging the mBed and plugging it back in, then closing the explorer window that opens up when you plug the mBed in to the PC.

Run the  mbedWinSerial_16466.exe  again and now I have a COM20 that is my mBed.

Hope this helps :)

Richard Wilson