Does your PCB have USB working, such as Mouse or HID Device ?
If so then it is super easy,
almost as easy as REAL MBED !!
press reset button,
press ISP button,
relese Reset button,
release ISP Button,
a new drive apears, CRP Disabled,
deleat the file, (firmware.bin)
build MBED ....
save to new drive,
press reset.
your code is now running :)
Bit different if you do not have USB:
Repeat above button sequence,
using BIN2HEX make a hex of your bin file,
use flash magic to program part, using serial,
the same as USB serial .
Note: there is a pin (Pin 19 on LPC11U24)
which selects between USB/Serial programming USB = Hi, Serial = Low.
Hope that was informative,
A few days ago I was courious to know if it is possible to programm the lpc11u24. I wrote a post and, like always, I got a lot of help from the forum. Today I though, I could bring it to the nexte level : prgram the lpc11u24 directly.
I found a good post on the topic : (it is for the LPC1768). I made a homemade PCB and soldered the IC that I bought from digikey on my PCB. Now, I want to programm it but got some questions: