How to import file or big file from local machine

05 Jul 2012

Hi all

I'm newbie to mbed, I have a file and I want to import it to my project from my computer but when I did it, I couldn't not open that file.

And the file I want to import to my project is the file I attach( of couse when I import it, I changed .txt int .h) Even when I copy all data from that file and pass it into the file of mbed but it I can't

Please help me solve this problem, thanks in advanced! /media/uploads/ttnghiabk/image.txt

10 Jul 2012

Hi tran nghia,

We've not managed to fix the problem you're experiencing here but as a work-around if you split the file into multiple lines you can get it to load.

I've reformatted the file you uploaded (/media/uploads/stevep/image2.h) and managed to get it imported. Hopefully this will solve the problem you're having.



14 Jul 2012

oh my god, unbelievably, I did it

in fact, this is an image about a beautiful bird on a tree, I encoded it into a text file by using C# on window, then I imported it in my profect and display it on my screem by mbed kit interfacing GLCD, now I can display anything I want and I approach the end of my project faster and faster, nearer and nearer

Thanks Stephen Paulger so so so so .... much! It helps me truly beleive mbed and NXP(LPC1768).

10 Jul 2012

Hi tran nghia,

Now I'm curious, can you take a photo of the beautiful bird on the tree being displayed on the GLCD so we can see what you've done?


11 Jul 2012

right, this morning I'm on my company and I have to concentrate on my work, after my lunch, I will post it on forum

thanks for your help again and hope you support me more

Nice day to everybody and



11 Jul 2012


here you are

have fun!