Character LCD menu library

30 Jun 2012


for my project I want to use 16x2 character LCD display to work as menu with enter, esc and two direction buttons. Also any callback which overwrite content on LCD for specified time an then returns to previous screen. For example - mbed runs then and You are in menu, then mbed is connected to ethernet and display will show "ETHERNET OK - IP" for 5 seconds and then returns on screen where You have been. I understand how to use TEXT LCD library for character display but I am too newbie to create library for menu from scratch.

I was looking on internet and found this library. It is for arduino and I tried to port it to mbed but with no success as this woks with NewLiquidCrystal library and this library has methods which TEXTLCD library here on mbed does not have. MENWIZ also uses millis() function which on arduino returns time elapsed from power on - as I understood.

I would like to ask if anybody knows about library to create menu for character LCD easily? I was not able to find anything. Can anybody help me?

30 Jun 2012

Kyle Gilpin was one of the winners in the circuit cellar mbed contest. He developed a menusystem that you may want to look at.

30 Jun 2012

Hello Wim, thank You for pointing me to this library. Also thanks and congrats Kyle for succes with his project.

This is absolutely what I need for my project.