Linux (Fedora 10) issues...

22 Dec 2009

Hey all, I started to use the mbed for a project at school. The machines in the labs are running Fedora and I am having some issues.

When I download a bin on to the mbed, it takes a while for the mbed to run it. The file shows in the drive, but when I reset, the previous program still runs. After some time, when I reset, the most recent file runs (the one I originally wanted). I guess the file is cached and it takes a while for the OS to put it on the mbed, but why does the file appear in the drive if this is the case..?

Does anyone know what's causing the delay?

The other issue I have is with the usb serial port. I don't have permission to access ttyACM (although it does appear) but I guess I can't do anything about that.

22 Dec 2009 . Edited: 22 Dec 2009

Hi Igor,

By default most linux distributions won't write data immediately to disk, they'll do it at various intervals and when the device is unmounted. So you can either run the "sync" command to force writing of data, or unmount the device before resetting it, or as a long term solution make an entry in /etc/fstab for the mbed and add the "sync" option so that it always writes data synchronously to that device (you'll need root privileges for this though).



22 Dec 2009

Thanks! That solved the problem.