CMSIS RTOS and USB host can't work tohether? Please help

15 Mar 2012


I sucessfully got working CMSIS RTOS with SD card after help from Emilio. Thank You very much. Program reads file from SD card line by line as I wanted.

I also have been successful with USB device and CMSIS RTOS where thread was sending mouse reports.

Now I wanted to test other side of USB with RTOS - USB host.

The problem where I get is that mbed "freeze" or something like that but no flashing leds in pairs as runtime error I got with SD card.

So when I add library and header file for CMSIS RTOS and create thread in USB host aplication that I am using, things "looks" good. Thread flashes led as defined in thread and USB is waiting for device to be connected.

And now it comes. After connecting any device (tried mouse, kb and bt dongle) device seems to get enumerated and seems that sends about 5 reports and then all dies.

Thread stops to flash led an it looks like device dies or "freeze". I tried many things but no success.

Do I understand that not every library is possible to get used with RTOS?

Can You please point me about common ways how to get such library to work if so ways exist?

I am really interested in RTOS + USB host/device and filesystem.

15 Mar 2012

Hello, nobody has any idea how to get USB host working with CMSIS RTOS? Is it by library itself?

21 Mar 2012

little llumpu wrote:

Now I wanted to test other side of USB with RTOS - USB host. The problem where I get is that mbed "freeze" or something like that but no flashing leds in pairs as runtime error I got with SD card.

We are not yet "officially" supporting any USB host library. It is in our plans to do so in the following months.

As a suggestion, the usual suspects for these types of problems are:

  • Interrupts configuration / Interrupt Service Routines
  • Stack overflow

If you publish a fully functional simple program presenting the problem (ie: USB flash drive), it is more likely that someone will help you finding a solution.


21 Mar 2012

Hello Emilio, this is nice to hear that You plan to support USB library with CMSIS RTOS. I am very interested in this RTOS because it is from You, mbed team.

Thank You for Your interest in this. I tried larger stack as You recomended in SD + RTOS but this did not help.

I will try to publish code which will present problem.