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Servo w/Encoder
Here is the code I am attempting to use. The algorithm is the same as the 8051 that works perfectly, so I'm sure it's just the syntax of the mbed getting me. Can anybody point out any problems? While testing, it seems as if the only PWM p21 creates is while input = 0. The PWM it creates is 50% duty cycle. None of the other inputs create PWMs.
Thanks, Trent
#include "mbed.h" InterruptIn EncoderB(p5); DigitalIn EncoderA(p6); DigitalOut Enable(p7); DigitalOut Bridge2(p8); PwmOut Bridge7(p21); Timer t; DigitalOut led1(LED1); DigitalOut led2(LED2); DigitalOut led3(LED3); DigitalOut led4(LED4); unsigned int time_interval; signed int Encoder_0_Count = 0; signed int input = 0; signed int Error = -70, lasterror; signed int derv_error, integral_error; #define kp 15 #define kd 15 #define ki 5 #define plus 1 #define minus 0 void Encoder_Count(void) { if (EncoderA) { Encoder_0_Count--; } else { Encoder_0_Count++; } } void Motor(long speed) { if (speed >= 0) { if (speed > 255) speed = 255; Bridge2 = plus; //set reference to high } else { speed = -speed; //compliment if speed is negative if (speed > 255) speed = 255; //set speed to max value if greater than 255 speed = 255 - speed; //set speed Bridge2 = minus; //set reference to low } Bridge7.write((float)(speed/255.0)); } int main() { Enable = 1; EncoderB.rise(&Encoder_Count); while (1) { t.start(); while (t.read_ms() < 50); //sample every 50ms or 20 samples per second t.reset(); time_interval++; if (time_interval > 60) { //change position every three seconds time_interval = 0; led1 = 0; //LED's just used for testing led2 = 0; led3 = 0; led4 = 0; if (input == 0) { //motor has 141 counts per revolution input = 35; //35 is 90 degrees from start led1 = 1; } else if (input == 35) { input = 70; //70 is 180 degrees from start led2 = 1; } else if (input == 70) { input = 106; //106 is 270 degrees from start led3 = 1; } else if (input == 106) { input = 0; //back to start led4 = 1; } } lasterror = Error; Error = input - Encoder_0_Count; // calculate error derv_error = Error - lasterror; // calculate derivative error integral_error = integral_error + (lasterror + Error)/2; // calculate integral error if (Error < -10 || Error > 10) { integral_error = 0; Motor((long)(kp*Error + kd*derv_error)); // send k1 x error to motor controller } else Motor((long)(kp*Error + kd*derv_error +(ki*integral_error)/2)); } }
Hi Trent,
Technical english isn't my favourite, sorry ;-)
May be not very helpful, but we are using similar motors like this one.
They are not "servo-driven"...without a Controller it is just a DC motor with gear and HSE-encoder. We are steering it with an SPS (for the encoder-signals vs. recepies) communicating with an pure analog Motordriver (Mattke). If you have a Controller for this motor it should use the encoder to steer the motor.
What do you want to do with this drive? For what u need the encoder-signals? Or do you want to build up a Servo-Controller with the mBed?
Maybe i have missunderstood your question....i'm very interested ;-)
Greetings, Steff
This motor will be used to rotate a platform on a robot. More specifically, I am building an autonomous Lawnmowing robot with an omniwheel chassis (robot does not spin to change direction). Therefore, I am spinning a GPS receiver that is mounted on a platform. The platform is spun by this motor. My desired destinations are the origin (0 degrees), 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees.
I found a few hidden errors in my design, but have gotten them all fixed. The following code accomplishes what I was looking for.
Thanks, Trent
#include "mbed.h" /// ///Functions and pins declarations /// InterruptIn EncoderA(p5); DigitalIn EncoderB(p6); DigitalOut Enable(p7); DigitalOut Bridge2(p8); PwmOut Bridge7(p21); Timer t; /// ///Declarations of variables /// unsigned int time_interval; //used to change rotation destination for a certain time interval signed int Encoder_0_Count = 0; //used to count tics of the Faulhaber encoder signed int input = 0; //used to set rotation destination signed int Error = 0, lasterror; //used to determine speed and direction motor needs to go signed int derv_error = 0, integral_error = 0; //used for derivative and integral portions of controller #define kp 15 //proportional constant #define kd 10 //derivative constant #define ki 1 //integral constant #define plus 1 //forward motion of motor #define minus 0 //reverse motion of motor /// ///Function called when a falling edge interrupt occurs on Port 5, or Encoder A of the Faulhaber /// void Encoder_Count_Low(void) { if (EncoderB) { //if Encoder B is high when Encoder A triggers an interrupt Encoder_0_Count--; //decrment the count } else { Encoder_0_Count++; //otherwise increment the count } } /// ///Function called to send direction and speed to the motor through an H-bridge (SN754410) /// void Motor(signed int speed) { if (speed >= 0) { if (speed > 255) speed = 255; speed = 255 - speed; //set speed (bridge sinks signal when reference is high, so complement speed to get correct PWM) Bridge2 = plus; //set reference to high } else { speed = -speed; //compliment if speed is negative if (speed > 255) speed = 255; //set speed to max value if greater than 255 Bridge2 = minus; //set reference to low } Bridge7.period_us(50); //period of PWM set to 50 useconds Bridge7.write((float)(speed/256.0)); //sets duty cycle of PWM } /// ///Main function of code /// int main() { Enable = 1; //enable the H-bridge, thus enabling the motor EncoderA.fall(&Encoder_Count_Low); //initialize Encoder A interrupt while (1) { t.start(); while (t.read_ms() < 50); //sample every 50ms or 20 samples per second t.reset(); if (++time_interval > 200) { //change position every ten(200*50ms) seconds time_interval = 0; if (input == 0*8) //motor has 141 counts per revolution input = 35*8; //35 is 90 degrees from start, times 8 to get 90 degree rotation with 8:1 gear ratio else if (input == 35*8) input = 70*8; //70 is 180 degrees from start, times 8 to get 180 degree rotation with 8:1 gear ratio else if (input == 70*8) input = 106*8; //106 is 270 degrees from start, times 8 to get 270 degree rotation with 8:1 gear ratio else if (input == 106*8) input = 0; //back to start } lasterror = Error; Error = input - Encoder_0_Count; // calculate error derv_error = Error - lasterror; // calculate derivative error integral_error = integral_error + (lasterror + Error)/2; // calculate integral error if (Error < -10 || Error > 10) { //if we are far away from our goal, reset integral error and exclude it from calculations integral_error = 0; Motor(kp*Error + kd*derv_error); // send proportional and derivative portions to motor controller } else Motor(kp*Error + kd*derv_error +(ki*integral_error)/2); //send entire PID to motor controller } }
I'm new to mbed programming and will be working with an mbed LPC1768 for my college senior project per my advisor's suggestion. I will probably have a lot of questions in the future, but at the moment I have a question about controlling a servo that has an encoder. The servo and how it works can be seen at this site: Has anybody worked with this or something similar? Mainly at this point I just need to know what pins and how many I will need (i.e. how many PWM pins, edge-detection pins, etc.).
I have worked with this motor before using an Atmel 8051 controller, so if somebody wanted I could post my code that I used to drive it with the 8051.
Thanks, Trent