Connect mbed Console over Ethernet

10 Oct 2011


is it possible to connect to the mbed console (which I can see for Debugging over USB) over Ethernet e.g. SSH or Telnet?

tia Klaus

10 Oct 2011

Hello Klaus,

For debugging, TCP might be difficult, because the TCP-protocol requires extra data-packets, and latency-time may be too long.

But you could use a UDP socket, and write debug data to a port on UDP, using Donatien's example as a guide:

You could replace printf("debug_statements");


udp.sendto( dbug_str, strlen(debug_str), &hostpcIP );

The latency seems to be about 2.5ms, with these.

A quick "listening" program in Python can print the debug.

10 Oct 2011

Thanks for the quick response, I will try it with the udp method