Hi guys, thanks for the response so far,
Firstly I have been continuing to look at this project, and I have encountered a problem and I'm not sure what the best way to deal with it is.
As Frank pointed out I have an SPI SD Card interface and a FLASH 8 MBit device.
The reasoning behind this would be to store data on the console such as save data possible, or any other information that maybe required.
I included it at this point because I would rather have it in at this point an find out later on that I dont need it than not have it and find out later that i do need it.
It is far easier to remove something or not use it in a system than to have to incorporate it later on.
That being said as you can see from my diagram I intend to use an 8MBit flash device with a 16 bit data bus.
Unfortuneatley I have just discovered I cant do that.
Something I should point out is that although I have labelled the 2 controllers MBED's they are not this is incorrect.
They are in fact LPC1768's on their on own. This allows me to have larger buses, however it does still limit me because there is only 1 18 bit port available and 1 16 bit port and the down side on the 16 bit port is that 4 of those bits are required for the SPI bus.
I have 2 options in front of me as i see it either multiplex the address and data bus so it takes double as long or select a flash device with an 8 bit data bus configuration.
I believe I should go with the 8 bit data bus on the flash device but I wanted to get your opinions on the subject before deciding.
It has also been raised about the SRAM's and the bus exchangers. both SRAMs will serve as frame buffer memory for the system. There are two of them to facilitate the double buffered video memory function which will eliminate screen flicker.
I should point out the SRAM's are seperate devices, and the system is intended to be un syncronised. I am quite new to this so point it out if im wrong but I want the Graphics processor and the VGA controller to be seperate. The reasoning is that to me it seems relatively simple to have the VGA controller constantly reading from an SRAM and displaying what ever data it gets.
By doing this it means that the Graphics controller can at any point switch the control signals when it is finished writing the new frame to get the VGA controller to start displaying the new image.
I am in the process of trying to write a document to explain about how I am going to get it to work and how I think it will.
I am sorry if this explanation isnt clear but if something isnt clear please point it out and I will try to explain it further.
Thanks for your time
Hi Guys,
I have been looking at trying to develop a video system for some time.
I have just finished putting together a block diagram of how I want the system to work.
It might not mean much at the moment but details will come soon.
I intend on using the project as a final year degree project.