The Code Red IDE uses the Code Sourcery GCC toolchain ( arm-none-eabi-* ).
So far you can't use the mbed libraries with it, they were made to work with the armcc ( keil ) compiler.
I really hope some work is done someday to have the mbed libs work with GCC, that'd be very nice.
It probably can be done, here I was able to have a program compile ( with GCC, same thing CodeRed uses ) with the mbed libs linked, and blink some LEDs, but so far it works only for the LPCXpresso board ( not the mBed board, but probably a minor bug ), and it can't do more than blinking ( DigitalOut ) : more complex stuff like Serial make calls to printf and similar functions, that make it fail.
How do I use to compile my test program offline with Code Red LPCXpresso?
Do I need anything else?
Best regards, Peter