Don't like mbed's APIs? Here's a solution!

20 Mar 2011

I'm finally playing with the mbed. I found the provided API very weak, lacking many things I would like. It really started to remind me of Arduino. I didn't really want to re-write all the drivers to suit my needs, but I found a collection of LPC17xx drivers on NXP's site, and decided to try make them work with mbed.

Here it is /users/frank26080115/libraries/LPC1700CMSIS_Lib/

Conveniently documented already, and not under copyright protection at all. Examples of its use is provided as well, and I've put them here: /users/frank26080115/programs/LPC1700CMSIS_Examples/

I haven't really tested any of it yet though.

Now mbed feels less like an Arduino and feels more like a true ARM Cortex-M3!

I do know that a lot of people have already published code that uses components of this, but I was wondering where this stuff came from, and needed one convenient library to include instead of hunting down everything individually.

20 Mar 2011

When Igor did this last year, he said he fixed a lot of the warnings. You might want to take a look at his code and see if there are any tips to be picked up.

20 Mar 2011

Ah, my apologies, I didn't see it when scrolling through the libraries, I didn't check under programs. I like how you can import libraries into existing code, unlike programs.

I took the time to fix all the warnings as well, most of them was due to lack of automatic type casting, comparing unsigned numbers with values less than 0, and use of uninitialized variables.