Hi Jason,
We don't plan to have filters added to the core libraries at the moment. This is partly as controllers seem to do it in different ways, so there wasn't immediately an obvious way to abstract this, but also to see how people start to use CAN and how we can best support it. There are lots of higher level CAN stacks, so I'm assuming people will start porting and using them for more complex projects. The focus of the libraries at the moment is not to support every eventuality, but the core functionality that gets something up and running.
I'd encourage you to poke the appropriate registers to setup the filters as Sebastian demonstrates, and if you do find a natural way, perhaps wrap it up in a small library so others can experiment. Would be great to see if a useful model emerges.
Hope your project is going well :)
How do I filter out a CAN-message with an unique frame-id ?
On a car-CAN-bus I only want to see CAN-message with, lets say, the address x01E5.
I have seen in the manual for LPC1768 that it has acceptance filters for the CAN-controller.