LPC11u24 EEPROM Storage. Help please

10 Feb 2013

Hi all...

First, C is not my native language.

There is a very helpful "access the onboard eeprom" library out there, and this is it below. Now.. all I want to do is hold an integer in the EEPROM, so I can read it after a reboot and use it in my program. I'd like to be able to update the integer now and then while my program is running.

Surely not too hard, if I could make head or tail of the code below, I am pretty sur eI could pop one in and pull it out using the read and write to the EEPROM.

Can anyone who has a better grasp of C than me, please give me a hand ?

thanks in advance.. (hopefully)


*    IAP demo : demo code for internal EEPROM memory access
 *    LPC11U24FBD64/401 : EEPROM 4KB
 *    Remark: The top 64 bytes of the EEPROM memory are reserved and cannot be written to.
 *     by Tedd OKANO http://mbed.org/users/okano/notebook/iap-in-application-programming-internal-flash-eras/
 *     modified by Suga (supported to LPC11U24)

#include    "mbed.h"
#include    "IAP.h"

#define     MEM_SIZE        256
#define     TARGET_ADDRESS   64

void    memdump( char *p, char *b, int n );
int     isprint( int c );

IAP     iap;

int main() {
    char    mem[ MEM_SIZE ];    //  memory, it should be aligned to word boundary
    char    mem2[ MEM_SIZE ];
    int     r;

    printf( "IAP: EEPROM writing test\n" );
    printf( "  device-ID = 0x%08X, serial# = 0x%08X, CPU running %dkHz\n", iap.read_ID(), iap.read_serial(), SystemCoreClock / 1000 );

    for ( int i = 0; i < MEM_SIZE; i++ )
        mem[ i ]    = i & 0xFF;

    r   = iap.write_eeprom( mem, (char*)TARGET_ADDRESS, MEM_SIZE );
    printf( "copied: SRAM(0x%08X)->EEPROM(0x%08X) for %d bytes. (result=0x%08X)\n", mem, TARGET_ADDRESS, MEM_SIZE, r );

    r   = iap.read_eeprom( (char*)TARGET_ADDRESS, mem2, MEM_SIZE );
    printf( "copied: EEPROM(0x%08X)->SRAM(0x%08X) for %d bytes. (result=0x%08X)\n", TARGET_ADDRESS, mem, MEM_SIZE, r );

    // compare
    r = memcmp(mem, mem2, MEM_SIZE);
    printf( "compare result     = \"%s\"\n", r ? "FAILED" : "OK" );

    printf( "showing the EEPROM contents...\n" );
    memdump( (char*)TARGET_ADDRESS, mem2, MEM_SIZE );

void memdump( char *base, char *buf, int n ) {
    unsigned int    *p;

    printf( "  memdump from 0x%08X for %d bytes", (unsigned long)base, n );

    p   = (unsigned int *)((unsigned int)buf & ~(unsigned int)0x3);

    for ( int i = 0; i < (n >> 2); i++, p++ ) {
        if ( !(i % 4) )
            printf( "\n  0x%08X :", (unsigned int)base + i * 4 );

        printf( " 0x%08X", *p );

    printf( "\n" );

10 Feb 2013

Actually... the test program above fails to store the bytes on my mbed. That may be a problem with my mBed though. Would still be good to know how to change the above to just put an int into/out of EEPROM.



10 Feb 2013

I get this.

IAP: EEPROM writing test
  device-ID = 0x0980002B, serial# = 0x17170333, CPU running 48000kHz
copied: SRAM(0x10000DF0)->EEPROM(0x00000040) for 256 bytes. (result=0x00000001)
copied: EEPROM(0x00000040)->SRAM(0x10000DF0) for 256 bytes. (result=0x00000001)
compare result     = "FAILED"
showing the EEPROM contents...
  memdump from 0x00000040 for 256 bytes
  0x00000040 : 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
  0x00000050 : 0x00000227 0x10000F38 0x00000000 0x00000B85
  0x00000060 : 0x00000016 0x00000000 0x6667C000 0x00000272
  0x00000070 : 0x00000000 0x00000B85 0x00000016 0x00000000
  0x00000080 : 0x6667C000 0x00000272 0x00000000 0x00000000
  0x00000090 : 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000258 0x10000F80
  0x000000A0 : 0x00000000 0x000006A1 0x00000000 0x00000000
  0x000000B0 : 0x00000416 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000
  0x000000C0 : 0x00000000 0x00000791 0x0000040B 0x00000001
  0x000000D0 : 0x00000000 0x00800000 0x00000000 0x0000000F
  0x000000E0 : 0x0000000F 0x0000000E 0x000000A2 0x00002327
  0x000000F0 : 0x000000A2 0x0000000D 0x0000000E 0x396FAE14
  0x00000100 : 0x46160000 0x02DC6C00 0x00000001 0x00000138
  0x00000110 : 0x40B39333 0x40008000 0x00002580 0x40008000
  0x00000120 : 0x000008A8 0x00000000 0x400483C0 0x00001097
  0x00000130 : 0x00002950 0x00001CF9 0x000003E8 0x00002950
26 Sep 2014

I worked it out in the end.. I've just done this little program to show how it works.


I've not got an mbed to hand to run it, but this is cut from a fully working large program, and compiles,