Hex command receive and display

18 Nov 2012

Hi, pros.

I am new to mbed. Now I am doing a protocol converter on mbed. The input command is a 7-byte hexdecimal command(for example: FF 01 00 04 3F 00 44). Each byte has different function. I have serial connection through usb between mbed and PC. But I have problem in writing program that the mbed can recognize and receive the hex command, and display it on PC.

Best regards.

18 Nov 2012

Maybe it is an idea to stop opening new topics and stick to one place.

18 Nov 2012

Neil, suggest you delete this post so we all know where we are at!

Have you seen my reply to same thread at


19 Nov 2012

Sorry, guys. I will focus on one and read the website first. Thanks!