How can I recover the default mbed compiler libraries (left panel)???

29 Oct 2012

Hello everyone!

I bought an mbed some time ago, and I remember that the first time I entered the compiler, there was about 20 default libraries (CAN, SPI, Serial, etc), in the left panel. Now when I enter the compiler there isn´t any library there! Only the programs! How can I recover them? Do I have to search one by one?

A salute from Brazil!

29 Oct 2012

You are still getting all of the support for those peripherals (CAN, SPI, Serial, etc) in the mbed library but they just aren't listed over in the left pane with the current compiler. Those individual peripherals items that were previously in the left pane were actually the documentation for the APIs.

You can read more here:

Hope that helps,


11 Mar 2013
