Serial virtual port disappeared

07 Sep 2012


I just started USBSerial hello world, and from tera term I can see messages printed. but then I changed to USBHID hello world, and then changed back to USBSerial hello world, tera term did not show serival virtual port, so no messages printed. Please help me solve this problem, cause I need this for debugging.

Thanks in advance,


07 Sep 2012

USBHID won't have a serial port, as it is a raw USB device. USBSerial is the only class there which will show up as a USB serial port. USBHID needs a custom program on the PC.

10 Sep 2012

I understand the difference between USBSerial and Serial. Thank you.

13 Sep 2012

If you are using Windows, did the serial port show up in Device Manager? If Tera Term is left open, it won't recognize new serial ports. Restart the terminal.