Looking for the name of a part...

16 Jul 2012

So I have been browsing around Sparkfun, Adafruit, Digi-key and my usual shops online but can't figure out exactly what to ask for to get the part I need, or where I could buy it. I'm assuming it would cost less than $1 and be easy to find if I knew the name.

I was initially going to use buttons to scroll up and down through a menu, but I would rather use a single wheel on the side that I slid up to move up through the menu and down to move down. I am hoping for something breadboardable, but if not I can always make a breakout I guess.

In essence I guess I'm looking for a scroll wheel, but prefer something much smaller than a mouse scroll wheel as the device I am designing is going to be the size of a watch. Any ideas are appreciated!

Thanks, Matt

16 Jul 2012

spark fun has a blackberry roller ball


but it is $16 :O

16 Jul 2012

Probably too big, but look at http://uk.farnell.com/c-k-components/tsw-a-3n-c-lfs/switch-jog-select-3-funtions/dp/1908267 and pdf link.

http://ecb.omron.com.sg/application/mobile.htm might supply a sample?

http://www.ec21.com/offer_detail/Sell_momentary_smd_jog_lever--13086846.html could be useful if you can find a distributer.

Search terms may be 'jog wheel' and also do a picture search that can help.

16 Jul 2012

Maybe this side "navigation switch":


Also available on a breakout:


Interested to see what you end up using!
