FTP or similar

10 Feb 2011

Hi, I have an idea for a networked app and would like to share MBED data to networked devices. Previously I have used Java embedded devices with FTP (TINI) but have now moved most of my app to MBED. Am i missing something but is there an FTP or better way of doing this for MBED ? I have tried to compile the FTP_Server_D1 example but without success. BTW I am a C/C++ newbie so struggling with C++ code but have managed to get sensors working and HTTP/Ethernet etc functioning.

Essentially my app needs to collect data (done and working) and then store/ present it ( My SQL or SQL Svr ) and make it accesible to browser ( e.g SLQ Rep Srvcs). TIA

Regards Steve

14 Feb 2011

Hi, I'm very sorry I don't have an answer to your questions...I am also interested in doing this. Have you had any luck? Could you share any of your progress? Good luck!