Only HelloWorld runs (?)

10 Nov 2010

Just recieved a new mbed (for the competition...).

HelloWorld runs fine and as expected.

Any other program I compile shows every appearance of doing what is expected: 'Success' indicated in the compiler pane, flashing LED during download, appearing in mbed memory.

But none actually does anything to the LEDs - even though HelloWorld has demonstrated that LED1 (at least) is OK. This includes the default program provided when a new programme is created, as well as a range of other programs.

[To start with I'm just running it straight off the USB cable, not on breadboard, so only programming LEDs to flash.]

Have tried both IE8 and Firefox in W7 and Safari in MacOSX.

Using one of our older (and well trialled) mbed boards (one with a big blue button) I find that it's HelloWorld that doesn't appear to run (no flashing light despite all else being in place) but all the other programmes I'm trying are fine.

This seems very odd - but I'm not convinced I'm just not missing something....

Wondered whether it might be a library issue (since HelloWorld is already complied)?

Thoughts? Help?

10 Nov 2010

Hi Torben,

Your profile suggests you have one of the old beta LPC2368 boards. But is sounds also like you have a newer board, so I suspect you are trying to run an LPC1768 (Cortex-M3) binary on an LPC2368 (ARM7), or visa versa.

If you have registered both boards to the same account, the compiler will have a drop down in the top right to select the target. If you haven't done that yet, log in to your account then click the .htm on the new mbed and it'll give you the option to add the different type of board so you can compile for both.

Running a binary of one type on another will just appear "dead". But just switching the drop down will allow you to transparently compile to both.


10 Nov 2010


Thanks Simon.....

17 Nov 2010

Dear Thorben,

I am new on mbed, so...

Please tell me how to know the hello world was downloaded ok, and if it is worling well. (as after download and reset, the only thing is the right blue LED blinking)

Thanks a lot.

paulo ernane