Introduction to Electronics

01 Oct 2010

Hello, all!

I'm rather new to making electronics, but I'm no stranger to programming. I do it by profession and have some C/C++ experience. I'd love to get hacking on the mbed, but I don't know how to get much farther than having it execute code! Does anybody have advice on how to get a better grasp on making electronics? I've been reading about basic circuits lately, but don't know where to go from there.

I'd really appreciate some advice!

02 Oct 2010

Sparkfun have some tutorials for beginners:


02 Oct 2010

Sweet! Thanks, guys. Both of those tips are really helpful.

02 Oct 2010

Another awesome resource is

The forums are helpful and there are tutorials broken down by subject (e.g. DC, AC, Analog, Digital, etc..) on thier main website, sort of like an encyclopedia of electronics.

Good luck!