GCC Version for mbed-CLI - inconsistent in video

22 May 2017

In the mbed-CLI manual installation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM0dFoTuU14#t=116.415275

Linked from: https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-cli#installing-mbed-cli

At 1:56 it says, "install gcc v4.9.3"

But then it downloads & uses the gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4_2016q2-20160622-win32.exe installer

That is, v5.4

And the 'verify installation' step - at 2:45 - shows v5.4.1

So: which version is it - v4.9.3? Or v5.4.1? Or what??

22 May 2017

Also, this page https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-cli#through-mbed_settingspy says:


Use version 4.9 of GCC ARM Embedded; version 5.0 or any more recent version might be incompatible with the tools.

Which is echoed here https://developer.mbed.org/teams/MultiTech/wiki/Using-Eclipse-and-mbed-5-for-MTS-Devices


mbed-cli documentation recommends using a 4.x version of the GNU ARM EMbedded Tools. The 5.x versions are likely to cause compile issues and should not be used.

23 May 2017

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the heads up :)

Indeed it should be 4.9, 5.X is not tested.

I have flagged this up.



Team mbed

31 May 2017

Hmm. ST's System Workbench 1.14.0 ships with 5.4.1. Given that SW4STM32 is an export option from mbed, that's not ideal.

30 Aug 2017

Note that with the release of mbed OS 5.5 we now upped the compatible GCC version to 6.