I have now tried using Coolcomponents Ethrenet and USB board and all i get when running the Ethernet test program ( both yours and DonAtiens ) is
Setting up...
[..\fwk\if\eth\EthernetNetIf.cpp:setup@86] HW Addr is : 00:02:f7:f0:24:65.
[..\fwk\if\eth\EthernetNetIf.cpp:setup@142] Connected, IP :
Setup OK
Error 3
have fixed the IP address using
EthernetNetIf eth(
IpAddr(192,168,0,123), //IP Address
IpAddr(255,255,255,0), //Network Mask
IpAddr(192,168,0,1), //Gateway
IpAddr(192,168,0,1) //DNS
as I dont have DHCP. I really want to move onto java dev but cant get past the basic, any guidance would be appreciated.
Hi, I am new to mBED and am trying to build a simple controller with a web based front end, enabling user to connecet to MBed via browser and view data, turn switches on/off etc. I have preveiously developed a similar controler using Dallas Tini which is all Java based and am finding the C++ sysntax a struggle although mBED hardware peripherals e.g Acceleromoter, A2D, I2C is all working okay. What I need to know is how i get from the client browser page to the HTTP server in MBed, i have searched this site for Javscript and RPC but cannot follow the examples and am out of my depth ( In java it seemed easy to deploy an applet but not sure how this workls in C++ world) , any clues/ or simple examples ?
Many thanks,