Two things you didn't say could be cuasing problrms.
Like what "Hello World" program are you using? Many of the examples use the generic title "Hello World" for the title of a demo program and don't send output to a terminal. For example the led flash demo is named "Hello World" and doesn't send output to a terminal.
Then you also need to open a serial terminal on your PC after you download the program's binay image to Mbed.
Use the followinjg settings for your PC''s serial terminal.
"The Serial Interface defaults to a 9600 baud standard serial connection (8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity), so your host program should be set to the same settings. If you want to communicate at a different standard baud rate, ensure you modify the settings of both the Serial Interface and the Host PC application!"
Then afer setting up,your PC's serial terminal reset MBed.
Picked up the embed LPC 1768 at the ESC show today. Downloaded the Hello world, the board blinks, but where is the serial output? Is the Source code for this binary the same as the example code with pc.printf()? Is there a driver that is missing?
For instance when I plug in the luminary board two USB enpoints are installed, one is a serial port that you can read ont he terminal emulator, and one is the JTAG.
Can this board be used iwth a regular local Compiler ?
Art Sobel