Usb audio Asynchronous

31 Jan 2012

                               + (3 * INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH) \
                               + (1 * CONTROL_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH) \
                               + (1 * INPUT_TERMINAL_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH) \
                               + (1 * FEATURE_UNIT_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH) \
                               + (1 * OUTPUT_TERMINAL_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH) \
                               + (1 * STREAMING_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH) \
                               + (1 * FORMAT_TYPE_I_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH) \
                               + (1 * (ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH + 2)) \    // <------------ changed to + (2 *
                               + (1 * STREAMING_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH) )

// Endpoint - Standard Descriptor
        ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH + 2,         // bLength
        ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR,                    // bDescriptorType
        PHY_TO_DESC(EPISO_OUT),                 // bEndpointAddress
        E_ISOCHRONOUS,                          // bmAttributes
        LSB(PACKET_SIZE_ISO),                   // wMaxPacketSize
        MSB(PACKET_SIZE_ISO),                   // wMaxPacketSize
        0x01,                                   // bInterval
        0x00,                                   // bRefresh
        0x83,                                   // bSynchAddress   <----------- EP3IN
         // Endpoint - Standard Descriptor         // <-------- additional feedback EP
        ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH + 2,         // bLength  
        ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR,                    // bDescriptorType
        PHY_TO_DESC(EPISO_IN),                 // bEndpointAddress <---------EPISO_IN
        E_ISOCHRONOUS |  E_ASYNCHRONOUS,      // bmAttributes <------ASYNC
        0x03,                   // wMaxPacketSize <----- 3 bytes
        0x03,                   // wMaxPacketSize
        0x01,                                   // bInterval  <------- 1 packet every frame
        0x01,                                   // bRefresh   <--------2ms
        0x00,                                   // bSynchAddress

// Called in ISR context on each start of frame
extern uint32_t sampling_interval;
void USBAudio::SOF(int frameNumber) {
    uint16_t size = 0;
uint32_t current_timer_count;
 uint32_t feedback_value;
 uint32_t last_timer_count;
 uint16_t interface; 
 uint8_t alternate;
                                                        // feedback
  current_timer_count = LPC_TIM1->TC;                   // capture current SOF timing on the Timer1
  if (interface == 1 & alternate == 1) {              // When interface 1 / alt 1 is enabled,
                                                // calculate master/SOF frequency ratio in 10.10 (10.14) format
    feedback_value = ((current_timer_count - last_timer_count) << 14) / sampling_interval;
   //feedback_value = 32 << 14;    // test value for 32k sampling

    USBDevice:: writeNB( EP3IN, (uint8_t *)&feedback_value, 3 );	    // and send it to the feedback IN EP

  last_timer_count = current_timer_count;       // update the last SOF timing

uint32_t sampling_interval;
int main() {
    int16_t buf[LENGTH_AUDIO_PACKET/2];

    // attach a function executed each 1/FREQ s
    tic.attach_us(tic_handler, 1000000.0/(float)FREQ);
    sampling_interval =  1000000.0/FREQ;
    LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1 << 2);     // Power on Timer'
    LPC_TIM1->TCR = 1;					/* TC1 Enable */

    while (1) {
        // read an audio packet *)buf);

        // put buffer in the circ buffer
        for(int i = 0; i < LENGTH_AUDIO_PACKET/2; i++) {

I am getting Too few arguments in function call

for USBDevice:: writeNB( EP3IN, (uint8_t *)&feedback_value, 3 );

How do I fix this.

02 Feb 2012

Ok I change and but the maybe I should use update libs

USBDevice::writeNB(EP3IN, (uint8_t *)&feedback_value, 3, PACKET_SIZE_ISO);

but at the moment no in transfers are happing, is problem with this I think

Called in ISR context Set alternate setting. Return false if the alternate setting is not supported

USBAudio::USBAudio(uint32_t frequency_in, uint8_t channel_nb_in, uint32_t frequency_out, uint8_t channel_nb_out, uint16_t vendor_id, uint16_t product_id, uint16_t product_release): USBDevice(vendor_id, product_id, product_release) {
    mute = 0;
    volCur = 0x0080;
    volMin = 0x0000;
    volMax = 0x0100;
    volRes = 0x0004;
    available = false;

    FREQ_IN = frequency_in;
    FREQ_OUT = frequency_out;

    this->channel_nb_in = channel_nb_in;
    this->channel_nb_out = channel_nb_out;

    // stereo -> *2, mono -> *1
    PACKET_SIZE_ISO_IN = (FREQ_IN / 500) * channel_nb_in;
    PACKET_SIZE_ISO_OUT = (FREQ_OUT / 500) * channel_nb_out;

    // STEREO -> left and right
    channel_config_in = (channel_nb_in == 1) ? CHANNEL_M : CHANNEL_L + CHANNEL_R;
    channel_config_out = (channel_nb_out == 1) ? CHANNEL_M : CHANNEL_L + CHANNEL_R;

    SOF_handler = false;

    buf_stream_out = NULL;
    buf_stream_in = NULL;

    interruptOUT = false;
    writeIN = false;
    interruptIN = false;
    available = false;

    volume = 0;

    // connect the device

bool USBAudio::read(uint8_t * buf) {
    buf_stream_in = buf;
    SOF_handler = false;
    while (!available || !SOF_handler);
    available = false;
    return true;

bool USBAudio::readNB(uint8_t * buf) {
    buf_stream_in = buf;
    SOF_handler = false;
    while (!SOF_handler);
    if (available) {
        available = false;
        buf_stream_in = NULL;
        return true;
    return false;

bool USBAudio::readWrite(uint8_t * buf_read, uint8_t * buf_write) {
    buf_stream_in = buf_read;
    SOF_handler = false;
    writeIN = false;
    if (interruptIN) {
        USBDevice::writeNB(EP3IN, buf_write, PACKET_SIZE_ISO_OUT, PACKET_SIZE_ISO_OUT);
    } else {
        buf_stream_out = buf_write;
    while (!available);
    if (interruptIN) {
        while (!writeIN);
    while (!SOF_handler);
    return true;

bool USBAudio::write(uint8_t * buf) {
    writeIN = false;
    SOF_handler = false;
    if (interruptIN) {
    } else {
        buf_stream_out = buf;
    while (!SOF_handler);
    if (interruptIN) {
        while (!writeIN);
    return true;

float USBAudio::getVolume() {
    return (mute) ? 0.0 : volume;

bool USBAudio::EP3_OUT_callback() {
    uint16_t size = 0;
    interruptOUT = true;
    if (buf_stream_in != NULL) {
        readEP(EP3OUT, (uint8_t *)buf_stream_in, &size, PACKET_SIZE_ISO_IN);
        available = true;
        buf_stream_in = NULL;
    readStart(EP3OUT, PACKET_SIZE_ISO_IN);
    return false;

bool USBAudio::EP3_IN_callback() {
    interruptIN = true;
    writeIN = true;
    return true;

// Called in ISR context on each start of frame
void USBAudio::SOF(int frameNumber) {
    uint16_t size = 0;

    if (!interruptOUT) {
        // read the isochronous endpoint
        if (buf_stream_in != NULL) {
            if (USBDevice::readEP_NB(EP3OUT, (uint8_t *)buf_stream_in, &size, PACKET_SIZE_ISO_IN)) {
                if (size) {
                    available = true;
                    readStart(EP3OUT, PACKET_SIZE_ISO_IN);
                    buf_stream_in = NULL;

    if (!interruptIN) {
        // write if needed
        if (buf_stream_out != NULL) {
            USBDevice::writeNB(EP3IN, (uint8_t *)buf_stream_out, PACKET_SIZE_ISO_OUT, PACKET_SIZE_ISO_OUT);
            buf_stream_out = NULL;

    SOF_handler = true;

// Called in ISR context
// Set configuration. Return false if the configuration is not supported.
bool USBAudio::USBCallback_setConfiguration(uint8_t configuration) {
    if (configuration != DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION) {
        return false;

    // Configure isochronous endpoint

    // activate readings on this endpoint
    readStart(EP3OUT, PACKET_SIZE_ISO_IN);
    return true;

// Called in ISR context
// Set alternate setting. Return false if the alternate setting is not supported
bool USBAudio::USBCallback_setInterface(uint16_t interface, uint8_t alternate) {
    if (interface == 0 && alternate == 0) {
        return true;
    if (interface == 1 && (alternate == 0 || alternate == 1)) {
        return true;
    if (interface == 2 && (alternate == 0 || alternate == 1)) {
        return true;
    return false;

and I think it should be change to this, with interrupt,it hard to for me to understand how this code is working, the interrupt is new to me, and the conflict with alternate.

// Called in ISR context on each start of frame
extern uint32_t sampling_interval;
void USBAudio::SOF(int frameNumber) {
    uint16_t size = 0;
uint32_t current_timer_count;
 uint32_t feedback_value;
 uint32_t last_timer_count;

                                                        // feedback
  current_timer_count = LPC_TIM1->TC;                   // capture current SOF timing on the Timer1
  if (!interruptIN) {
        // write if needed
        if (buf_stream_out != NULL) {
                                                 // If interruptIN,
                                                // calculate master/SOF frequency ratio in 10.10 (10.14) format
    feedback_value = ((current_timer_count - last_timer_count) << 14) / sampling_interval;
   //feedback_value = 32 << 14;    // test value for 32k sampling

    USBDevice:: writeNB( EP3IN, (uint8_t *)&feedback_value, 3,PACKET_SIZE_ISO);	    // and send it to the feedback IN EP

  last_timer_count = current_timer_count;       // update the last SOF timing

03 Feb 2012

I am getting, when using new libs

"integer conversion resulted in truncation" in file "/main.cpp", Line: 19, Col: 40

USBAudio USBaudio(FREQ, NB_CHA, 0x71aa, 0x7590);
23 Jun 2015

Did you ever resolve this problem?