Mbed File size restrictions??

31 Mar 2010

I have a .cpp file that is 35KB when I put more code in it say, 47KB I cant open the file any more in MBED compiler after I close and reopen Compiler.

I am not a C pro maybe just the file is not supposed to be that big?

31 Mar 2010

Hi Rob,

That is fairly big, but we don't intentionally limit at that level.

Could you post a program containing a file that can reproduce this problem (or email to support@mbed.org), and tell us what browser/OS you are using. We'll then investigate for you.

Thanks for the report! 

31 Mar 2010

Wow I think I may have found it, tell me what you think. I had a word doc that had some specifications for each function I was planning to write.  It would appear that there were some none printable characters within the doc file (firefox 3.6.2, windows, MS Word), when I copy pasted all seemed ok, but the next day I opened the file I saw stuf like this "â€ÂÅ" randomly sprinkled around in the file, I thought nothing of it. Now just scrolling through my file I find some have been growing each time I close for the night.

**example snip: notice first couple stayed small, but the next one grew more everyday...weird ?! Sorry about this my fault for just leaving them in, ended up over bloating my files

int testProductEncoder(Serial *pc, Serial *printHead, SPI *cpld)//21
//Read mbed signal “ENCODER- and verify a Logic Low
//Read mbed signal “ENCODER- and verify a Logic Low

//Send SPI string with Encoder A Sink Test command
//Wait 5 Seconds
//Read mbed signal “ENCODER-A” and verify a Logic High

31 Mar 2010

Nice! Whilst I'd suggest that is slightly more corner case than we originally imagined, I'd still count the behaviour as a bug (or at least, sub-optimal :). We'll perhaps see if we can find out what interaction is causing that, but I think the solution for now is basically for you to remove these obscure characters and all should be fine.
